Friday, April 08, 2005

Best MS Critical Patch thread ever!

Every once in awhile I wonder why I am active on OSNews, and then something like this happens and makes it all worth it. The highlights:

Fairs fair
By Matt (IP: - Posted on 2005-04-08 16:05:30

However if these were critical flaws in Mac OS X patched the first post would be "har har told you Macs aren't secure" and the second would be a price comparison between a self-build PC and a Mac of their choice.

Go figure.


By adapt (IP: - Posted on 2005-04-08 16:10:53
Then we could discuss why anyone would put something on a mac other than OS X. then a Ubuntu war would rage out for some reason. Then someone will ask a wierd offtopic question about BeOS, then a gentoo user would post about -march and -O settings. an America sucks fiasco would happen then someone would incorrectly blame President Bush for their slow internet connection.and then some gay kid would say how cool mandrake is. I'm going back to Dr. DOS i think.

-adam. :)

By grj (IP: 216.196.231.---) - Posted on 2005-04-08 16:26:04
President Bush is not responsible for slow internet connections. Former Vice President Gore is. After all he invented it.

Linspire Review
By Al Hartman (IP: - Posted on 2005-04-08 17:35:31
Golly Gee Willickers!

Linspire is neato!

It has CNR, and LSongs, and LTunes, and it comes with a lot of stuff!

It's real pretty too!

But, it was a little slow on my 486/33...


- It forces you to login as root
- Why are they charging for free software?
- Ubuntu/MEPIS/PCLinuxOS/Lycoris/etc is faster, better, cheaper!
- Windows XP costs $550 with MS Office.
- Linspire rips off the OS community and doesn't contribute back.
- Linspire changes the names of the apps.
- why can't I get it and CNR for free?

Ok? There's a whole Linspire Review thread condensed into one message...


no fun
By junior (IP: - Posted on 2005-04-08 17:43:43
You people are no fun. Pre-empting a perfectly fine opportunity to turn this into a Microsoft bash fest, why don't you.

Shame, shame..

Direct comment link Obligatory Jobs bashing...
By vincent (IP: - Posted on 2005-04-08 18:21:07
Of course there are the people who are going to say that Mac OSX isn't a real UNIX because you supposedly can't change your window manager, and that the install CD doesn't install the developer tools like GCC by default. Followed by comments that the reality distrotion field hates themeing and once he gets into your living room he's going to keep you from ever redecorating.

I'm actually looking forward to the half-english/half-jibberish comments that simultaniously bash "M$", and the "U$", while wondering why anyone would every use anything other than UTUTO with Fluxbox.

(by me)
come on!
By mattb (IP: 216.191.126.---) - Posted on 2005-04-08 18:37:06
You guys are noobs. To take it to the next level, you need the FSF guys to come in and say that Stallman is a cross between Jesus and a character from an Arnold Schwartzenegger movie who is about to come in and pwn the M$ noobs. Finally, some 12 year old genius will step in and explain that this is all part of some cosmic struggle between good and evil, and declaire Jihad on all things microsoft.

seriously, this is the best ms patch thread I have ever seen, anywhere :D

(this is the piece de resistance, simply because it doesnt look like a joke)

told ya!
By Switcher (IP: - Posted on 2005-04-08 18:37:23
har har told you Window's wasn't secure.

Meanwhile, Mac OS X keeps getting better and better!


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