Thursday, April 07, 2005


In the 50s, we had something called McCarthyism, which was basically the governament whipping the people up into a frenzy, to allow them to pass laws that contradicted the very spirit that america was founded on.

Nowadays, americans have something very similar with the Patriot Act. Heres the question:

If McCarthyism was named after the senator that made it happen, will the authoritarian spirit of the Patriot Act be referred to in the future as Bushism?

Personally, I find the thought just hilarious (bush having the many meanings it does...), but as pretty much any hot-blooded young man could be called a "Bushist", I seriously doubt that it will stick. Another one would be to call it "Patriotism", but considering that we call the people who fought and died for the very liberties being taken away "Patriots", I doubt that will stick either.

So, what do you think?


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