Thursday, April 07, 2005

Al Gore invents Internet TV

from slashdot:

"The SF Gate is reporting that former VP Al Gore is launching "Current" a new CableTV-Internet hybrid. From the article: "Current, the name of Gore's enterprise, hopes to do that by airing a shuffle of short news features, some produced by the network but many submitted online by viewers. Current will also air segments every half hour showing TV viewers what Google searchers are tapping into at that moment -- everything from current events to tourist destinations. It's all directed at a generation that thinks nothing of plugging into more than one media outlet at once." "

Of course, we all know Al Gore invented the internet. (actually, even the NSF will credit him for the internet as we know it today. but the quote is just so great)

Anyways, jokes aside, this is some pretty amusing stuff.

"At first called INdTV, the network now named Current plans to air short- form, fast-paced segments and snippets called "pods'' rather than shows. Tailored for the short attention span, they will be anywhere from 15 seconds to five minutes long."

What is scary is that this is a remarkably good idea for north american youth. Talk about pathetic....

""This is an audience of media grazers, and we decided to create a network that didn't fight that but facilitated that,'' Neuman said. He introduced a snazzy, five-minute video -- "a taste of the tapas bar for young adults we call Current'' -- that offered snippets of video reports from Sierra Leone, the Middle East, the marijuana fields of Morocco"

Treat your audience like they have the attention span of a fruit fly, and you will make a billion.

Anyways, enough of that. Time for more Al Gore jokes. Like, how after creating the internet, he invented the Al-gore-ithm. And we can alwas count on the lovely and talented Jay Leno for providing some humor

and last but not least, futurama

Announcing Car Bot
: Thank you all for coming. It is my pleasure to
introduce the host of the Kyoto global warming convention. The
inventor of the environment, and first emperor of the moon, Al Gore.

Al Gore: I have ridden the mighty moon worm!


Fry: Good for him


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