Friday, April 01, 2005

Music: I am now officially in love with folk

Those who know me can attest to the fact that I hope to a new genre every month or so. Well, the new one is definately folk. Bob Dylan is now one of my favorite artists, and he is what started it. Got some Woody Guthrie, and adore it. Even though Billy Bragg is probably the name that jumps to your mind when you think "Pro Labor Music" (if you are into such things at any rate). Billy, even though he was a giant of his time, was nothing compared to Woody. Still havnt found any van ronk, but also managed to snag some Pete Seeger. and wow. just wow.

Anyways, folk is more than just a genre, it is a full culture, a history, and a way of life (just think punk, real similar in that respect). So far, I am just skimming the surface, but I really cant wait to fully plunge into this incredable world.

The 60s were a great decade for music.


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