Sunday, April 03, 2005

Gates' Resolve in Bringing Spammers to Justice

hot off the slashdot press:

"It didn't seem to me like any single company had the stomach to keep after the scum that are ruining the Net for the rest of us. Unless that company is Microsoft. Since the beginning of 2003, Microsoft has filed 96 lawsuits against spammers, and 119 lawsuits against phishers. By any measure, 215 lawsuits constitutes a legal juggernaut. "

I find this truely ironic. The corporate juggernut working through the official channels has done NOTHING to keep spam from my inbox. On the flipside, hacker extrodinare Paul Graham was the one who got so annoyed at spam in his inbox decided to fix the problem. He came up with using Bayesian probability analysis to filter spam rather then the more conventional pattern matching we were doing before.

Just goes to show, it doesnt matter how much money you have, you cant solve problems a fraction as well as a true innovator.


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